
Showing posts from March, 2019

Monet Artworks

Claude Monet was the leader of the French  Impressionist  movement, literally giving the movement its name. As an inspirational talent and personality, he was crucial in bringing its adherents together. Interested in painting in the open air and capturing natural light, Monet would later bring the technique to one of its most famous pinnacles with his series paintings, in which his observations of the same subject, viewed at various times of the day, were captured in numerous sequences. Masterful as a colorist and as a painter of light and atmosphere, his later work often achieved a remarkable degree of abstraction, and this has recommended him to subsequent generations of abstract painters. Kids have done wonderful work in the workshop. 

Pattahitra and Kalamkari - Indian paintings

Patachitra is a vibrant folk art form native to Orissa, a state in eastern India. This famous ethnic painting was born out of the cult of Jagannath Dev - the presiding deity of Orissa. Incredible pictorial conceptions, characteristic conventions and vibrant colors make the Patachitra a unique treasure in the rich coffer of Indian traditional art. Executed primarily on cloth, using natural colors, these handcrafted paintings have charmed admirers from all over the world. Kalamkari  is an ancient style of hand painting done on cotton or silk fabric with a tamarind pen, using natural dyes. The word Kalamkari is derived from a Persian word where ‘ kalam ‘ means pen and ‘ kari ‘ refers to craftsmanship. This art involves 23 tedious steps of dyeing, bleaching, hand painting, block printing, starching, cleaning and more. Motifs drawn in Kalamkari spans from flowers, peacock, paisleys to divine characters of Hindu epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana. Nowadays, this art is primarily done