Winslow homer's Inspired Art

This week I have conducted the Winslow homer's Inspired art workshop at library for kids aged from 6 to 12 years old. Winslow Homer was an American painter. His mother was his first teacher. She taught him using watercolors. Early in his career he worked as a magazine illustrator. Became an important American painter. Winslow Homer is known for his straight forward style. He is considered a “Realist”. His subjects are often seen interacting with nature. He loved the sea, and his seascapes are the most popular and famous of his work. Winslow homer considered one of the important American artist of the 19th century. His work and style have influenced lot of other American artist. Seascape is one of my most favorite Art lesson for kids. In this class kids first painted the sky and ocean with watercolors. Kids picked their option from two choices of sky , red,orange & yellow sky or light blue & pink shaded sky.