
Showing posts from February, 2018

Henri Rousseau inspired Toucans

Henri Rousseau was born on May 21, 1844, in Laval, France.He was a self taught french artist. While working as a toll collector in Paris, he taught himself to paint and exhibited his work almost annually.Rousseau had begun to paint in his spare time. He never had a formal art education; instead, he taught himself by copying paintings in the art museums of Paris and by sketching in ... the city's botanical gardens and natural history museums. He always feels “Nature is the best teacher”. Essentially he was self-taught and is considered to be a naive or primitive painter.  His best known paintings depict jungle scenes, even though he never left France or saw a jungle.His painting inspiration came from illustrated jungle books and botanical gardens in Paris.  Henri Rousseau believed that his work was done in an academic style, although he was most widely seen as a professional for his creative style, and the unique ability to take something out of the page of a magazine, and re

Romero Britto Art

This week we are going to meet one more new Artist Romero Britto. He born in Mexico with eight siblings. When he was young his brother showed lot of art books that featured a number of painting, he began to recreated the master's work. There are so many interesting facts in his art and life. One of the most important piece is that he has no formal training, he never attended art school. He developed his artistic knowledge from people he saw and places he visited. He doesn't want to be part of a group of artist and wanted to make something different than the traditional art. He liked to make colorful and unique designs.  Initially he worked as an artist in some advertising campaign. Britto later moved to Miami he started doing a new art with combination of Pop Art and cubism. After some years his work became popular in all over the world. He showed his work at other galleries and museums. The artist also donates money and time to several charities and organizations ar

Lilly Flower craft

Look at these beautiful Lilly Flowers born from a tiny talented artist hands .. Every flower has unique beauty.  My last week kids workshop...Each flower has their own unique beauty...Children aged 5 yrs to 12 yrs were participated in that event. Final work came more than that I expected. For this project you need a cardstock and creep paper, tempera paint and paper plate .