Kolam is the Math Art

Kolams are decorative geometrical patterns that adorn the entrances of households and places of worship in India and it's called Rangoli also. There are several types of Rangoli are there.Today I would like to talk about only Kolam. Kolam is the mother art for my Art journey. I learned this art from my mother. In my childhood I didn't went any art class.Honestly I learned all my drawings from Kolam.Not only me so many women in India 😀 .Some people will say I don't know how to draw. But all the southern part of women has to do kolam mandatory . Kolam has the amazing concept of Dots to Drawing.This concept makes everyone to draw.I have added kolam in my Smart Arts curriculum. Kolam is a line drawing of curves and loops around a regular grid of points. The traditional South Indian kolam, based on a grid of points is known as Kolam and Muggulu in Andhra Pradesh, Rangavalli in Karnataka . The folk-art is handed down through generations of women from historic time...