Mexican Amate Art

Since humans have existed, art is the important part of social culture. Learning Art from other cultures helps us to appreciate what people from around the worl ... d consider valuable and beautiful. It allows us to learn about new techniques and materials used in art.In that order today will see about Traditional Amate bark Paintings. This is the traditional Mexican folk art, painted on an organic medium called “amate.” Amate is a type of paper produced from the fibers of the bark of fig trees. Beginning in pre-Hispanic times, different indigenous groups used the amate to communicate with others. In today’s Mexico, the Otomí people of Central Mexico produce this paper in a way similar to its historical origins. They usually paint intricate birds, colorful plants, and whimsical animals on the amate so that it can be used for decoration. For more interesting information about Arts stay tuned with SMART ”R” ARTS.. This week we learnt about Mexican Amate Art. Amate ...